How permits for subsoil use are issued in Ukraine

How permits for subsoil use are issued in Ukraine
In the first two months of 2025, it is likely that everyone in Ukraine has heard discussions and conflicting opinions regarding the possibility of subsoil use, mineral extraction, and the transfer of rights to such resources to other individuals and states.
Subsoil is a strategic state resource that plays a key role in ensuring Ukraine's economic development and energy security. As a result, the extraction of minerals must be conducted exclusively on legal grounds, in compliance with the principles of rational subsoil use and environmental protection.
Consequently, the state establishes clear rules for accessing subsoil, and obtaining a special permit for its use is a mandatory requirement for geological exploration and extraction.
In this article by EVERLEGAL lawyers for LIGA ZAKON, we will examine how permits for subsoil use are issued in Ukraine, what requirements are imposed on applicants, how the permitting procedure works, and what current challenges and prospects exist in this field today. LINK.
Our expert: Anna Dvornikova, Alla Lysak
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