EVERLEGAL joined the project of PBCU team for creating a second catalog of CSR initiatives

09.11.2021 1116

The second catalog of CSR initiatives from Pro Bono Club Ukraine is another format of win-win relations among businesses and the public sector in Ukraine.

We are pleased to present you the second catalog of CSR initiatives 2020 - 2021, on which EVERLEGAL team worked jointly with PBCU.

What does the catalog consist of?

  • Statistical review of CSR in Ukrainian companies. It is an opportunity to see the big picture and understand the market better.
  • Key interests of companies according to the SDGs. This part can make it easier to find partners to implement powerful initiatives.
  • Examples of implemented CSR initiatives of Ukrainian companies.

In the catalog, EVERLEGAL team shared their priorities according to the SDG. Namely: initiatives and projects in the field of sustainable development that we have created or joined in 2020-2021.

  • SDG 4. Quality education
  • SDG 6. Clean water and sanitation
  • SDG 7. Affordable and clean energy
  • SDG 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • SDG 11. Sustainable cities and communities
  • SDG 14. Climate action
  • SDG 17. Partnerships for the Goals

In addition, in the section "Examples of implemented CSR initiatives of Ukrainian companies" (p. 190), you may find a "Program of legal support for sustainable development initiatives", which we at EVERLEGAL have opened and are actively developing since the beginning of 2021.

This program is designed to support companies and organisations not only in Ukraine but also around the world on the way to their active implementation of sustainable initiatives.

More about the program at the link.

We are sincerely glad that together with Pro Bono Club Ukraine we have the opportunity to share our experience, convey our messages and initiatives to businesses and the public sector for creating a better society, strengthen trust between people and develop a culture of mutual support.

You can view the catalog at the link.


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