The seminar on the hot issues of the mortgage market in Ukraine

21.08.2017 986


Recently EVERLEGAL together with the Independent Association of the Ukrainian Banks (IAUB) have held the seminar on the hot issues of the mortgage market in Ukraine.


The Chairman of the IAUB’s Council, Roman Shpek, shared with the participants his views on the issues and trends of the mortgage market development.  In turn, AndriyPorayko, partner at EVERLEGAL and head of the firm's Dispute Resolution practice, and advocate Roman Posikira have analysed and flagged issues and trends in the jurisprudence of the Ukrainian higher courts in connection with the mortgage related disputes.

The judge of the Kyiv circuit administrative court, Kostyantyn Pashchenko was also among the speakers at the event and discussed jurisdictional issues in disputes related to registration of title to and encumbrances over property. The Deputy Head of the Lviv Main Territorial Department of the Ministry of Justice on the state registration matters, Oksana Kumanska, highlighted the issues connected with the practice of state registration of title and encumbrances to properties and offers some practical tips. 

The highlight of the event was the presentation of Roman Posikira’s book "Mortgage: a Practical Guide for a Lawyer”. The book contains the analysis of more than 600 judgments of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and the cassation courts on various mortgage related issues.

EVERLEGAL Law Firm would like to thank the UIAB for hosting the event and enabling such a productive discussion among experts on the topical issues of the mortgage market. We would also like express gratitude to all the participants for active discussions and knowledge sharing on the real life mortgage related issues.

We hope that this and all further events on the mortgage matters will result in the package of bills to be proposed to the parliament and further analysis of the mortgage related jurisprudence.

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