Vsevolod Volkov - Attorney of the Year 2020 in International Arbitration

05.10.2020 1671

On 1 October,  the award ceremony of the competition "Attorney of the Year 2020", annually organised by the Ukrainian Advocates' Association (UAA), took place in Kyiv. According to the results of the competition, EVERLEGAL partner Vsevolod Volkov was recognised as "Attorney of the year 2020" in International Arbitration. 

We thank all our colleagues and the UAA for this recognition. We also sincerely congratulate all the 2020 winners!

The competition consisted of 7 stages, more details you can see at the link.

In addition, EVERLEGAL was a partner in the "Best In-House Lawyer" nomination, and EVERLEGAL partner Oleksandr Ruzhytskyi had the opportunity to present the "Attorney of the Year 2020" award in the Agriculture and Land Law nomination.

As you may recall, last year Andriy Porayko, EVERLEGAL partner, won the nomination "Attorney of the Year 2019" in Agriculture and Land law.




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